Notice to Mariners & Warnings
Notices to Mariners
Notices to Mariners (NTM’s) provide legal notification of changes in conditions within charted waters that could affect the safe and efficient movement of shipping. A Notice to Mariner is issued for the purpose of providing permanent navigation information—frequently this information will result in a chart correction.
A notice may be marked as Temporary (T) if the information will remain valid only for a limited time. The master or skipper of a vessel must ensure that the passage of a vessel complies with Notices to Mariners and that charts are altered in accordance with information provided.
The Australian Hydrographic Service of the Royal Australian Navy is the Commonwealth authority responsible for national chart production known as AUS Charts and the circulation of Australian Notices to Mariners that are distributed nationally and internationally. Information contained in Gippsland Ports’ notices are regularly reproduced in the Australian Notices. These notices are recognised as being an authoritative, accurate guide on marine charts.
Local Navigation Warnings
Local Navigation Warnings (LNW’s) provide notification of changes in conditions within Gippsland Ports’ waterways that could affect the safe and efficient movement of shipping. Local Navigation Warnings are generally issued when the changes referred to occur in waters not covered by an Admiralty chart; or that refer to a small, localised event. The master or skipper of a vessel must ensure that all vessel operations comply with directions given in Local navigation warnings.
Interested parties may wish to subscribe to the “Notice to Mariners” option to automatically receive notification when new notices are issued.
Current Notices
- All
- All Ports
- Anderson Inlet
- Corner Inlet & Port Albert
- Gippsland Lakes
- Lakes Tyers
- Mallacoota
- Shallow Inlet
- Snowy River
- Sydenham Inlet
- Tamboon Inlet
- Uncategorised