Victorian Notice to Mariners
The following notice to mariners is published for general information.
No. 024 (permanent) of 2014
Port of Corner Inlet & Port Albert (Victoria)
Lighthouse Point
Mariners are advised that the directional light established below the flashing white range light, at Lighthouse Point, showing green, white and red sectors has been
amended as follows. Reference position:
Lighthouse Point light K2502
Latitude: -38° 50.638’
Longitude: 146° 28.375’ AGD66
White directional light centreline 278° (T)
Directional light WRG 3s 35m 9M
G 273° -277° (4°)
W 277°-279° (2°)
R 279°-283° (4°)
Mariners are advised to maintain the centreline of the directional light 278° when transiting this region and be aware of potential shoaling encroaching from the
Northern Bank. The flashing white range light characteristics remain the same: 5s 36m 17M Vis 187°-350° (163°)