Notice To Mariners
Port of Corner Inlet & Port Albert
Port Albert Entrance Bar
DATE: 18 December 2017
Mariners are advised that Bathymetric Survey results have identified that shoaling continues to occur midway between the Port Albert Fairway Buoy RW (L Fl.10s) in Charted Position :
Lat. 38° 43.974’ S
Lon. 146° 42.675’ E Datum WGS84
And the Outer Green Buoy (Fl.G.3s) in Charted Position:
Lat. 38° 44.743’ S
Lon. 146° 41.261’ E Datum WGS84
The shoal has been identified with least depths less than 0.1m (LAT) and extends for a distance of approximately 400 metres along the length of the channel and encroaches into the channel by approximately 300 metres. Deeper water of 3.0 metres (LAT) exists in the channel to the Northwest of the area of shoaling.
The Bathymetry results also confirm that channel configurations are changing. An opening through the bar has become apparent to the Southeast of the entrance with least depths of 1.4 metres LAT being recorded. The opening is narrow with shallow banks on either side, is not marked and not recommended for navigation at this stage of the configuration change