Corner Inlet & Port Albert
About the Port
The Port of Corner Inlet and Port Albert is the largest water area of the five Gippsland Ports. The Port encompasses the waters adjacent to Wilson’s Promontory in the vicinity of Rabbit Island through to McLoughlins Beach at the western end of Ninety Mile Beach. The Port can be accessed by several entrances, with the main channel being into Corner Inlet. The Port waters include Barry Beach, Port Welshpool, Port Albert and Port Franklin.
The Port is easily reached by road and is adjacent to many towns of South Gippsland including Foster, Port Franklin, Welshpool, Port Welshpool and Port Albert. Wilsons Promontory National Park towers over the southern end of the port waters, which also includes the Corner Inlet and Nooramunga Marine & Coastal Parks.
The Port caters for a wide range of users, which include amateur and professional fishermen, leisure boating, charter vessels and larger commercial vessels.
The Port acts as a pickup and delivery base for several small cargo vessels that operate between Tasmania and the Gippsland region, utilising the roll-on/roll-off facility and the Marginal Wharf at Port Welshpool.
The Port also encompasses the Port Anthony Marine Terminal and the Exxon Mobil Barry Beach Marine Terminal for the support of oil and gas fields in Bass Strait.
Fuel is available by prior appointment with the local fuel distributors at Port Welshpool and Port Albert.
Navigation Information
Relevant Charts AUS181, AUS182
VOZR (Vessel Operating and Zoning Rules) Schedule 132 Local Port of Corner Inlet and Port Albert
At Port Albert, crossing the bar should not be attempted without seeking local knowledge and then the greatest care should be exercised. The entrance channel and bar are liable to change in position and depth due to the variations in shoaling patterns. Depths in the vicinity of the outer bar channel are approximately 2m to 3m.
Click Here For more information on Crossing Bars.
Vessel operators are advised to carry a copy of the tide tables when operating in these waterways and to seek local knowledge if unsure of the tidal flow. Operators should also be aware of strong currents at the entrances and that severe sea conditions exist on the shallow bar outside the entrances. The area is subject to strong westerly, southerly and easterly winds.
All mariners are advised that no anchoring is permitted in the Barry Beach Channel.
Go to NTM’s (for this port)
The water level and tidal stream is much affected by the direction and duration of the winds. Corner Inlet and Port Albert are in an area of high wind energy and significant water level and tidal stream variations occur. It would be advisable to plan your trip in conjunction with the Victorian Tide Tables.
Real-time tidal information can be accessed via Gippsland Ports’ Port Welshpool tide gauge.
Corner Inlet Entrance Channel
Accessible to all vessels with a draught up to 6 metres at low water. Subject to strong cross-tidal streams and heavy swells.
Lewis Channel
At low tide, the channel is accessible to vessels with a maximum draught of 5 metres to the vicinity of the closed Shipping Pier (Long Jetty). Only vessels with a maximum draught of 3 metres should proceed any further to Port Welshpool Harbour.
Toora Channel to No 10 Mark
Vessels with a maximum draught consistent with the available water at the Corner Inlet Entrance can negotiate this channel.
Toora Channel No 11 Inwards
This area is for recreational craft only. To the east in the vicinity of beacons 21 and 22 there is a stone ballast dump that vessel operators should take care when moving around in this area.
Toora Boat Ramp Channel
Access is restricted by tide.
Barry Beach Channel
Vessels with a maximum draught of 5.2 metres can negotiate this channel on a low tide. Notice to Mariners NTM 88 – 2012 applies to this channel.
Franklin Channel
Recommended as a safe anchorage.
Franklin River Channel
Access to Port Franklin is restricted by tide.
Stockyard Channel
Limited navigation marks exist between the end of Franklin Channel and the start of Bennison Creek Channel. Access is restricted by tide inwards from No.3 beacon in Stockyard Channel to the upper reaches, (including Foster Landing), however channel is well marked.
Bennison Creek Channel
Provides access to Foster Beach, however, entry into this area is restricted by tidal conditions.
Doughboy Channel
There are no navigation marks. Access is restricted beyond Doughboy Island by tidal conditions.
Duck Point Island
There are no navigation marks. Access is restricted beyond Duck Point by tidal conditions.
Middle Channel
Limited navigation marks exist. Access is restricted from No1. buoy to the Yanakie boat ramp by tidal conditions.
Bennison Channel
There are no navigation marks. Navigation of the channel beyond Bennison Island requires good local knowledge.
Chinamans Gutter
No navigation marks exist. Access is restricted to Chinamans Long Beach by tidal conditions.
Port Albert Channel
Vessels with a maximum draught of 3 metres can negotiate this channel in favourable tidal conditions. Shoaling occurs in the vicinity of beacon No 9 and 11.
Midge Channel
Channel is marked with unlit piles. Limited navigation marks. This channel is accessible for recreational craft in all tidal conditions.
South (or Snake) Channel
No navigational marks. This channel is accessible for recreational craft in all tidal conditions.
Port Albert Old Port and Albert River Channel
Marked by buoys. Access is restricted by tidal conditions.
Kate Kearney Entrance
No navigation marks. Very dangerous entrance, cautions concerning the Entrance should be observed. Due to the dynamic nature of the Entrance the channels leading off are subject to change both in depth and course. (Ref: Admiralty Sailing Directions Australian Pilot Vol. ll Nautical Publication 14 p.160)
Kate Kearney Channel
Navigation marks exist however access is restricted by tidal conditions.
Middle Ground Channel
Navigation marks exist however access is restricted by tidal conditions. Channel links Port Albert and Port Welshpool. Note: The direction of buoyage is from Corner Inlet.
Tarra Channel
Navigation marks exist, however access is restricted by tidal conditions. Cautions for the Kate Kearney Entrance must be observed.
Farmers Channel
Navigation marks exist, however access is restricted by tidal conditions.
Boat Harbour Channel
Navigation marks exist, however access is restricted by tidal conditions.
Shoal Inlet Entrance Channel
No navigation marks, with limited water depth over the bar. The same cautions apply to the Port Albert and Kate Kearney Entrance.
Manns Channel
Limited navigation marks exist, however access is restricted by tidal conditions. There is a coastal navigation light to the east of Shoal Inlet Entrance.
Pelican Channel
Provides entry to Manns Beach township. Navigation marks exist however access is restricted by tidal conditions. A jetty and a boat ramp are located at the township. Manns and Oyster Bed Channels link into this channel.
Oyster Bed Channel
Navigation marks exist, however access is restricted by tidal conditions.
McLoughlins Entrance
No navigation marks, with limited water depth over the bar. The same cautions apply to the Port Albert and Kate Kearney Entrance.
McLoughlins Channel
Navigation marks exist, however access is restricted by tidal conditions. Channel provides access to McLoughlins Beach township, facilities include a main jetty, bridge to the 90 Mile beach and a boat ramp and landing jetty.
Bentley Harbour
No navigation marks. Caution – this area should only be transited by operators of vessels with a good local knowledge.
Boating Facilities
All in-water Navigation Aids
Tide and compass piles
All swing mooring areas
Limited numbers of swing mooring areas are located at Port Albert, Port Welshpool, Manns Beach, McLoughlins Beach and Yanakie. Port Welshpool Depot and Office
Port Welshpool Slip
Port Franklin Slip
Wharves and Jetties
Port Welshpool area
Port Welshpool Marginal Wharf
Port Welshpool Fishermens Jetty
Port Welshpool Slipway Jetty
Port Welshpool Ferry Terminal Jetty
Roll On / Roll Off Berth
Port Franklin Fishermans Wharf
Port Albert area
Port Albert Fishermans Wharf
Port Albert Hotel Jetty
Port Albert Rutters Jetty
McLoughlins Beach Jetty (Jetty Information Sheet)
Port Albert Boat Harbour
Port Albert Old Slipway Jetty
Manns Beach Jetty
McLoughlins Beach Boat Ramp
Port Albert Boat Ramp and Floating Jetty
Manns Beach Boat Ramp
Yanakie Beach Boat Ramp
Toora Beach Boat Ramp
Foster – Stockyard Creek Landing Boat Ramp
Port Welshpool Boat Ramp and Floating Jetty
Parks Victoria
Snake Island Jetty
BBMT Qube Energy Guardhouse – 5688 0222
Barry Beach Terminal
Wharf only available to approved users and is a restricted area. Vessel operators are directed to keep clear of facility.
Port Anthony Marine Terminal
Facility owned and managed by Ancon Australia P/L. Wharf only available to approved users and is a restricted area. Vessel operators are directed to keep clear of facility.