Notice to Mariners No.294(T) of 2023

Port of Mallacoota Inlet

Bastion Point Boat Ramp

Isolated Danger Buoy Temporarily Withdrawn

DATE:  Friday 21st July 2023

PREVIOUS NOTICE:  Notice to Mariners No.223 of 2023 is referred.


Mariners are advised that the Isolated Danger Buoy guarding rocks between No.2 Lateral Mark Beacon (Fl.R.2s) and the structure of the Bastion Point breakwater rock wall toe (NtoM No.223 of 2023 refers) has carried away from its mooring system and is temporarily withdrawn from service until environmental conditions allow replacement.

The previous position of the Isolated Danger buoy was;

Lat.    37° 34.247’ S
Lon. 149° 45.899’ E                  Datum WGS84

Mariners are advised to take extra precaution and avoid entering or departing the boat ramp and entrance close to the toe of the rock wall structure.

Mariners are advised that transits of the approach channel and entrance should only be carried out during fine weather conditions and if there is sufficient height of tide taking into consideration the vessels draft, the existing sea state, predicted weather conditions for the duration of the voyage and the expected conditions and tide height for the time of return.

Passage through the approach channel should only be attempted by experienced vessel operators who possess sound knowledge of the conditions to be expected during the transit of the channel taking into consideration the position of the dislodged rocks and the prevailing weather and sea state at the time.

Passengers and crew should be briefed so they are aware of the heightened risk that may prevail at the time of departure or arrival.


Vessel Operators are reminded that this is an Ocean Access Boat Ramp and large swells may occur, even at times when the conditions are assessed as being good.

Night navigation is considered extremely dangerous and should not be attempted.


Further details can be obtained from Gippsland Ports Harbour Master on 0427 610 025.

CHARTS AFFECTED: Chart Aus.805 – ENC AU438149

PUBLICATIONS AFFECTED:  Gippsland Ports Waterways Online available at: Gippsland Ports – Waterways Online v2 (

FURTHER NOTICE:  A further Notice will be issued.

Capt. Bevis Hayward

Harbour Master

Gippsland Ports

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