Sydenham Inlet

About the Waterway

Sydenham Inlet is located on the south coast of Victoria, east of Orbost, approximately 416 kms (5 hours travel time) by road from the Melbourne CBD, via the Princes Highway, turning right at the small settlement of Manorina and then travelling approximately 15 kms on the Sydenham Inlet Road to the town of Bemm River. Sydenham Inlet is a small waterway which is generally closed to Bass Strait, although on occasions is opened by prevailing weather and water levels or assisted artificial opening by the Catchment Management Authority to prevent flooding.  The Inlet is a popular tourist destination for holiday makers and anglers alike. Most of the Inlet, the Bemm River, Mud Lake and Swan Lake are navigable by small recreational vessels.

Sydenham Inlet waterway is managed by Gippsland Ports.

Bemm River waterway is managed by East Gippsland Shire.

Swan Lake and Mud Lake waterways are managed by Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP)


Navigational Information

State Waterway Rules apply.  There is no specific VOZR (Vessel Operating and Zoning Rules) schedule for Sydenham inlet.

Go to NTM’s (for this waterway)

Navigational aids within the Gippsland Regional Ports conform to the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) Buoyage System “A”. Starboard-hand (or right side) marks are green, whilst Port-Hand (or left side) marks are red. Cardinal marks are yellow and black; Special marks are yellow and Isolated Danger marks black and red.

In using the system it is essential to remember that the direction of buoyage is taken from the seaward entrance of these ports. When returning towards the entrance the situation would be reversed.

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Boating Facilities



All navigation aids and zoning signs/buoys


East Gippsland Shire Council

  • Bemm River boat ramp and adjacent carpark, jetties and fish cleaning facility, Dollys Garden and the Bemm River waterway
  • Pearl Point Rd boat ramp and adjacent carpark, jetty and fish cleaning facility
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