Unauthorised Swing Moorings – Gippsland Lakes

Gippsland Ports is concerned about the continued practice of using unauthorised/illegal swing moorings that have been installed at various locations around the Gippsland Lakes. A recent incident at Loch Sport where a person was injured after coming into contact with an abandoned swing mooring, highlights the danger of these unauthorised moorings.

To ensure, as far as practicable, minimal damage to the environment, the safety of people using the waterway and to prevent artificial navigational hazards, such as abandoned or failed mooring tackle, Gippsland Ports in its capacity as the waterway manager requires that swing moorings may only be considered for approval by first applying for the relevant Gippsland Ports permit. This permit process requires permit applicants to meet the swing mooring permit terms and conditions.

Gippsland Ports advises that under Regulation 29(1) of the Port Management (Local Ports) Regulations 2015 it is an offence to install or use an unauthorised mooring. The offence carries a fine of 10 Penalty Units (approximately $1550).

Vessel operators requiring information on swing moorings and existing designated swing mooring areas on the Gippsland Lakes, or who wish to make application for a swing mooring permit, are encouraged to contact Gippsland Ports or to apply online by completing a Berthing and Mooring Application form.

some abandoned moorings recently retrieved from the Lakes

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