The Notice to Mariners No. 329 of 2024 is available to view via this link.

Port of Gippsland Lakes

Lakes Entrance Bar

Navigation Warning

Bar Depths Compromised Following Tasman Sea Weather Event

Mariners are advised that following the recent Tasman Sea weather event causing high density swells, environmental conditions on the bar had caused the TSHD Tommy Norton to abort dredging operations temporarily.

A preliminary survey conducted this morning indicates that depths on the centerline and to the East of the centerline of the Lakes Entrance leads have been compromised by the migration of sand from East to West. The migration has seen depths that were previously 4.5m LAT have reduced to 3.3m LAT today on the “Green Light” leading line shoaling further towards the East of the “Green Light” to less than 2.0m LAT. The shoaling covers an area from approximately 200m – 300m SE of the Eastern Pier. Depths beyond the shoaling increase to greater than 4.0m.

The survey indicates the deepest available water to transit the Lakes Entrance Bar to the Entrance Channel is now aligned on Line 4 – See the attached bathymetric survey with the (blue) leading line changed to line 4.

The Lakes Entrance Approach leading “lights in line” have been changed to Line 4 bearing 354°(T) to the Flagstaff.

Further surveys will be conducted to monitor any changes. Dredging operations with the “TSHD Tommy Norton” have resumed.

In the meantime, Mariners are advised to take extra precaution when crossing the Bar at Lakes Entrance, noting that the best time to cross the bar is during daylight hours at slack water in the entrance channel following high water.

For further information please call Gippsland Ports Harbour Master on 0427 610 025.


Capt. Bevis Hayward

Harbour Master

Gippsland Ports


Download Notice to Mariners 329 of 2024.

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