Local Navigation Notice – Gippsland Ports

The following navigation notice is published for general information.

Australia – Victoria

LNN No.4 of 2024

Port of Gippsland Lakes

Lake King

Fort King Light Beacon – Change to Flash Character


DATE:  Wednesday 21st August 2024


Mariners are advised that the Flash Character of the Fort King Light Beacon has been changed. The former Flash Character (Fl.WR.2s) has been changed to (Q.R.4M)

The Fort King Light Beacon is located at the Northern entrance to McMillans Strait in position;

Lat.    37° 53.751’ S

Lon. 147° 44.181’ E

CHART AFFECTED:  Not applicable


Gippsland Ports Waterways Online at;

Gippsland Ports – Waterways Online v2 (arcgis.com)

FURTHER NOTICE:    No further Notice will be issued.


Capt. Bevis Hayward

Harbour Master

Gippsland Ports

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